6 weeks ago, I decided to change! I started a 6-week challenge with a group of wonderful people… a challenge to change eating habits and to be more consistent when it comes to exercising on a routine basis.

I want to tell you how I am doing up to today and which has been my learning experience with this adventure I started and which I have decided to continue.

The results in 6 weeks have been unbelievable! I lost 10 pounds, 4% reduction in body fact and 1% gain in lean muscle. Just in 6 weeks… All this time I worked not only on my new habits but also my mindset.

I have learned that the mind is so powerful and when you really want something and want to change… change is possible, change can be learned!

At the same time, it’s been huge to have my family’s support and to be part of a group of people with the same purpose; more than 10 people started this challenge and we all had great results.

I learned that my body is capable of doing exercises and movements I have never imagined I could, it is just a matter of training and giving my body what it needs.

I enjoyed changing my way of eating, learning how to read labels, getting used to weight my food, being adventurous with new recipes, trying new things without feeling being on a diet and enjoyed the taste of every food.

I learned to eat slow and discovered that once the food is in your mouth for a longer time it even changes its flavor.

And the most important thing I got out of this…. I know there is a better way to achieve my goals, even with my crazy life rhythm, traveling and all the distractions I know it is possible to take my new habits with me.

This adventure is just starting…. My 6 weeks are over, but I have decided to continue this path to be a better version of myself and to set an example for my son and family.