Health & Wellness

Children and food
Health & Wellness | 3.30.18
Are you a mom? I am a mom of an 8-year-old son who is the healthiest kid I know but also a challenge when it…

An you only need 2 ounces a day…..
Health & Wellness | 3.26.18
Nowadays it is hard to nourish our body with the nutrients it needs. For that reason, in our home NingXia Red is a must. …

Sugar… NO!!!! Good bye to sodas!
Health & Wellness | 3.14.18
This morning a person a follow, admire and inspires me to wellness share some information about sugar. Reading this made me think of the decisions…

As a woman… these are my top 5
Health & Wellness | 3.8.18
There are things that get us excited and enhance our mood. Maybe being with friends, going shopping, a new pair of shoes, dancing, a dinner…

February is here!
Health & Wellness | 2.7.18
After a great December vacation in Mexico with my family, the beginning of a new year with new habits …. February is here! A…

This is me after 6 weeks…
Fitness | 11.22.17
6 weeks ago, I decided to change! I started a 6-week challenge with a group of wonderful people… a challenge to change eating habits and…

Rat poison… where?
Health & Wellness | 11.13.17
If we only knew what we are putting in our mouth! You would be getting a PhD in reading labels and maybe a new degree…

Minerals…. makeup and colors
Health & Wellness | 11.13.17
From a teenager clown to a clean makeup mom! If you see me now you won’t ever think as a teenager I look more like…

Why I don’t use deodorant
Health & Wellness | 10.23.17
If I recall well I believe I started using deodorant when I was 13 years old. At that age some changes start to happen and…

Eating right…. A piece of cake?
Health & Wellness | 10.16.17
A healthy lifestyle also means a better nutrition. We all know what is good and what is not good for our body. It should be…

What is hydrogenated water?
Health & Wellness | 9.19.17
We hear repeatedly the importance of drinking water to hydrate our body. That is necessary to take at least 8 glasses of water a day…

Wellness and safety with essential oils
Health & Wellness | 9.15.17
You are new to the use of essential oils and I suppose you will have many questions on how to use them. I suggest starting…